lundi 27 juillet 2015

Party cooldown with Tellmewhen

While you are in arena, you can track to cooldowns of your mates. In order to do that, you will have to download Tellmewhen.

Tracking those spells grants you some advantages such as :
  • Avoiding kick/cs overlaps 
  • Being sure that your mate are really using the spells they said
  • Asking your mates a cross control once you know he has it available

You've to know that Blizzard raid frame does work a bit randomly. It means that you can be located at the top as well as the bottom of your raid frame. In order to avoid that, you'll have to lock yourself in the desired position. It is quite easy if you're a healer, you just have to go to Interface --> Raid Profiles --> Sort by roles.

But if you're a dps, it'll be a bit more complicated. You'll have to use a script in order to be located all the time at the same position.

Top location 
/run LoadAddOn("Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames") CRFSort_Group=function(t1, t2)
if UnitIsUnit(t1,"player") then return true elseif UnitIsUnit(t2,"player")
then return false else return t1 < t2 end end

Bottom location
/run LoadAddOn("Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames") CRFSort_Group=function(t1, t2)
if UnitIsUnit(t1,"player") then return false elseif UnitIsUnit(t2,"player")
then return true else return t1 < t2 end end


Ps: Delete the line break when you copy paste the script in game. I had to make some in order to fit everything on this topic. 

Insert the script you're interested in into a macro and use it before your arena session. It will automatically lock your position. You might sometimes have to reuse the macro without any logical reason though.

Now, we can finally go on with the configuration of Tellmewhen.

I'll take Deep freeze as an example:

Open Tellmewhen, on the top menu go to Unit Cooldown. Put into spell to check the spell you're interested in.
The first row will be for the party 1. You'll have to insert it into Unit to watch.
You'll just have to change party 1 by party 2 for the second raw of cooldown you want to track.

It's all you need to know in order to make it work. Tellmewhen is a quite powerful addon however but it has some limitations. Here are a few examples of what you won't achieve with the addon:

  • As we can create spell cooldown manually in TMW, the cooldown will not adapt itself to the situations. So if you want to track shockwave for instance, it won't be very accurate as the cooldown can be reduced depending on the number of target the warrior will hit. 
  • It won't also work with everyting having stack such as hand of sacrifice, blessing of protection, etc. PS: I'm not 100% sure about that though, if by any means you made it work, thanks for letting me know.

Fell free to ask questions bellow this topic or on my stream. I'll be pleased to answer them.

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